The peak of the commemoration of the National Technology Awakening Day (Hakteknas) which was commemorated at the Riau Provincial Governor’s Office Complex, Pekanbaru, Friday (10/8) was attended by the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Ing. H. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, leaders and members of state high institutions, Ambassadors and representatives of friendly countries, Echelon I and II Officials of Ministries and Institutions, Director of BUMN, Leaders and Members of AIPI, DRN and DRD, rectors / leaders of universities, the Heads of Balitbangda, as well as the science and technology and innovation community, students and winners and recipients of the Science and Technology and Innovation Award, Intellectual Property, SPMI and the National Innovation Product Competition.
The 23rd Hakteknas which is centered in Pekanbaru City with the theme Innovation for Food and Energy Independence and sub-theme: Food and Energy Sector in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Hakteknas held a variety of events including:
(1) Launching (2) National Innovation Product Competition (industry, startup and community category), (3) Technology Innovation Service, covering technology training, planting practices of superior varieties of rice and tropical fruit, and submitting assistance for innovative products to farmers, fishermen and business actors, (4) National Science and Technology Award and Innovation (8 Award categories), (5) Scientific Activities (84 national and international scientific activities), (6) Side Events (healthy walks, writing / photo / vlog competitions entitled Science and Technology and Innovation, and demonstration and demonstration of traveling science and technology, etc.), (7) Welcome Dinner, (8) Commemoration of the Peak Day, (9) Appreciation Night and (10) Ritech Expo (exhibition of technological innovation products).
Awards to the winners of the 2018 Science and Technology and Innovation Award for 8 categories, namely:
(1). Anugerah Budhipura, to appreciate the achievements of the Provincial Government in strengthening the Regional Innovation System.
(2). Budhipraja Award, to appreciate the achievements of the Regency / City Government in strengthening the Regional Innovation System.
(3). Anugerah Widyapadhi, to appreciate the achievements of Higher Education in building an Innovation System through strengthening policies, institutions, resources, and innovation networks to produce innovative products.
(4). Anugerah Prayoga Sala, to appreciate the achievements of Non-Ministerial Government Institutions, Center for Excellence in Science and Technology and Research and Development Institutions in building Innovation Systems through strengthening policies, institutions, resources and innovation networks to produce innovative products.
(5). Anugerah Abyudaya, to appreciate industry achievements in utilizing research and development results and building Innovation Systems through strengthening policies, institutions, resources, and innovation networks to produce innovative products.
(6). Anugerah Adibrata, to appreciate the achievements of the scientific community in producing innovative products.
(7). Anugerah Labdha Kretya, to appreciate the achievements of the general public in producing innovative products.
(8). Anugerah Widya Kridha, to appreciate the achievements of non-governmental organizations and community groups for their support in encouraging the strengthening of the innovation system.
Adibrata Award received by Dr. Muhammad Nur, DEA lecturer at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University Semarang who is also the Chair of the Center for Plasma Research (CPR) and the Project Manager for Teaching Industry (TI) Diponegoro University. This award is given for the achievements of the scientific community in producing innovative products. Dr. Muhammad Nur, DEA is a doctorate in Nuclear and Plasma Physics. Since 1999, plasma research has been initiated and strengthened with the establishment of the Diponegoro University Center for Plasma Research (CPR) in 2005. This research center has involved lecturers and researchers from various disciplines. Researches that have been carried out can be grouped into 4 main groups, namely;
(1). Plasma Applications for Materials and Textiles
(2). Plasma Applications for Biology and Medical
(3). Plasma Applications for Environment and Energy
(4). Plasma Applications for Agriculture and Food

This applied research is fully supported by CPR in its research design and realization. CPR is a leading Plasma technology development center in Indonesia. The Center for Plasma Research has done well in making products based on plasma technology that have been used for food and the environment. The community awaited post-harvest handling technology. Postharvest loses of agricultural products are numerous. Horticultural products can reach 30%. This is very detrimental to the resources that have been used, starting from the land, labor and funds that are not small.
Ozone plasma technology is very likely to combat postharvest losses of horticultural products. This technology can remove microorganisms in the product and suppress the production of spoilage enzymes in horticultural products. This principle is used. Plasma technology for food is highly anticipated by the community.
Apart from this, Diponegoro University under the Center for Plasma Research, a research center for Plasma Science and Technology has developed various applications of plasma technology. This center is supported by multi-disciplinary areas of expertise, including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Informatics, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemical Engineering, Medicine, Animal Husbandry, Food Technology, Fisheries, Public Health. Plasma application research activities include, Plasma for the Environment, Plasma for Food, Plasma for Agriculture, Plasma for Textiles, Plasma for Materials, Plasma for Medical and Plasma for Energy which focuses on Plasma Gasification.
In 2016, CPR collaborated with PT. DIPO Technology through the Industrial Technology Development Program (PPTI) has succeeded in making a prototype of the ozonation and storage system for chilies. This system has been agreed to be used by farmer groups, the Aspakusa Makmur Farmer Group Association, Teras District, Boyolali Regency under the direction of the Food Security Agency, Central Java Province.
As mentioned above, as a PTN-BH Undip has the opportunity to manage the Teaching Industry which involves industry and is on campus. The innovators submitted a proposal with the title “Plasma Technology-based Industry for Pagan”. And it was stated that it was financed by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in the 2017 budget year. Since 2017, the implementation of innovation has been carried out in the Teaching Industry: Industry Based on Plasma Technology for Food.
Another event is the 2018 Ritech Expo which is the largest technology innovation exhibition in Indonesia. The Ritech Expo exhibition was attended by approximately 120 institutions from universities, regional Balitbang, ministries and institutions, business / industry and BUMN, the main units and superior programs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, associations and communities, product demonstrations, workshops / seminars, business meetings, and a series of competitions.
At the Ritech Expo from the Center for Plasma Research and PT. Dipo Technology showcases D’Ozone and Zeta Green products. D’Ozone uses environmentally friendly plasma technology which functions to extend the shelf life of vegetables and fruits to be more durable. Minimizing the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi that cause rot in vegetables and fruits, and reducing pesticides that stick to vegetables and fruits. D’Ozone is a product of the utilization of plasma technology in agriculture produced by PT. Dipo Tecnology in collaboration with CPR, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University. Dozone can eliminate fungi, mold bacteria and pesticides found in vegetables and fruit, so that the life of vegetables and fruits after harvest will be longer. In addition, this tool can increase the selling price of agricultural products and can remove pesticides that stick so that vegetables and fruit produced are said to be organic.
Meanwhile, Zeta Green is an air purifier that functions to filter dirty air, smoke (CO2), kills viruses, bacteria, fungi, inhibits the spread of disease, helps cure diseases caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi, eliminates unpleasant room odors converted into clean air. , fresh and healthy, free of viruses, bacteria and harmful fungi. This exhibition will take place from 9 – 12 August 2018. Congratulations Pak Nur, hopefully it will add to our enthusiasm to further contribute to the nation and state.