Abstract: Diponegoro Education Reservoir was built to prevent flooding, provide irrigation and provide water reserves. Some dams can suffer damage resulting in dam bursts. One of the causes of dam damage is geological symptoms caused by the deformation of a layer. Horizontal to Vertical Ratio (HVSR) is one of the passive geophysical methods that can map the subsurface to obtain a value of vulnerability to dam seismic waves. Data retrieval was performed using GL 240 data logger and Geophone 3 components to record vibrations. Measurements were made as many as 12 points. Microtremor data is processed using Geopsy software. The results of data processing show that the dominant frequency value is 6.67-20 Hz, composed of tertiary rocks consisting of sandstone with hard gravel, the thickness of the surface sediment is very thin dominated by hard rocks. The Amplification Value is 1.19 – 6.18. Seismic susceptibility based on soil vulnerability index ranges from 0.32- 45. Based on these results, it can be indicated that the reservoir area is generally declared to be in a relatively safe zone.